Quelques exemples d’articles et interviews sur le projet

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We've had lots of press these past two months about the updates from our recent field season.  Here are just a few:

Articles récents: Mars 2016

Le Monde, 20 minutes, El Pais, et le Blog de Madagascar.

Also, the New England Aquarium posted a press release with some of our new video footage from the last field season.

Dr. Salvatore Cerchio is a marine mammal biologist at the New England Aquarium. In November 2015, he went off the grid to study Omura's whales off the coast of Madagascar. Experience his journey through our blogs. http://explorers.neaq.org/search/label/Madagascar2015

Over 50 other news outlets wrote about our work or posted our videos, including:  Fox News, Christian Science Monitor, The Mother Nature Network, HuffPost Science, Science Recorder, Discover Magazine,  Cape Cod News, The Boston Globe, and USA Today.


Février 2016

Ci-dessous un superbe article dans National Geographic sur le projet.

Et une interview audio de Salvatore Cerchio sur les baleines d’Omura et son travail:  Living Labs

Initial Press About the Research : October / November 2015

Hundreds of news outlets picked up the news about the first documentation of a living population of Omura's whales in the fall of 2015! Here are just a few:

Dr. Salvatore Cerchio of the New England Aquarium and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) and an international team of whale biologists have just released images and detailed descriptions on the first scientific observations in the wild ever of Omura's whales, one of the least known species of whales in the world.